Township of 150
Every town has certain requirements that make long term living comfortable.
1. Dwelling
2. Transit
3. Trade
4. Production/Agriculture
5. Power
6. Communications
7. Civics
-Organization of Society: FD "PD" healthcare
There are many ways to construct each of these, and dozens of good and very conscious options.
Dwellings can be of many architectures. Traditional dwelling space is above ground and poorly insulated, using a large amount of energy for heat. While using less energy is a goal, living in a spartan manner is not a goal. Underground or earth-insulated houses are low-labor high-efficiency dwellings made of cheap and easily available material. The majority of buildings could benefit the town by being built in this architecture.
Each building could aid the town by being rooved with a garden. This will help the town provide its own food, contributing to production, and will further insulate the homes. More information about gardenspace at production below.
Transit would likely be on a personal basis in a small township. Traditional automobiles add to the town's external requirements through fuel. Automobiles running on clean and sustainable fuel sources will be critical to an efficient township free from multinational corporate interference and large oil networks. Our technologies should allow us to perform without relying on oil shipments. Larger communities would function using
Trade is human activity. Regulation of capitalism within the town shall be important to its function. This should not be tribalism, but true just communism similar to the early Christian church. Close and open personal social relationships are the fabric of society and should be compassionate community-based counseling. Being able to account for common perception on both sides of a social equation allows those involved to examine what is geometrically deeper.
The town will group bargain for goods. It may be possible for group and private ownership to overlap without either being sacrificed, with both being interchangeable. This would be the place of 'state run industry' existing to compete alongside any private enterprise. Ideally, our technology should eliminate materialism and provide us with all the power we could ever need. With this power we should be able to produce automated machines and time to turn raw materials into goods without added cost, making us a production superpower per capita.
Production would be the town's way of supporting itself and producing more things than it needs. The town will be a powerplant grid and sell energy to surrounding communities and may also use plasma combustion to handle other towns' trash and certain wastes. Additional production of specific goods using this energy should be on a town-wide and small group basis.
Furnaces and ovens should be easy to make and fuel using energy and plasma. These can be used to smelt, refine, and shape metals and glass and bake goods. This is an entry-level technology that will allow the town to machine or handmake anything it needs.
The town will grow foods and plants in greenspaces, greenhouses, grow houses, and fields. Hemp can be useful for oils, fibers and foods, and producing basic organic foods and animal products will help provide for the town and serve surrounding communities with clean healthy foods.
Water will be collected and cleansed on a public basis and through individual dwellings. Monitored rainwater and groundwater collection will help water crops and quench thirst, and may be used in home heating.
Power is listed at Power decentralization and low density living with greenspace will be part of the town design.
Communications can be conducted on a townwide free voicewire network, as well as programming a townwide LAN network, attachable to global networks. For global direct communications a software defined radio web should be built to transmit on local public signal. This can be picked up locally in the town and in surrounding areas to be sent through the town LAN to telephony.
It will be critically important for the town to be able to use the software web to mass-boradcast signal in the form of radio and CB. Any user should be able to access the town web to get all local radios to broadcast the message. 150 people, with perhaps 40-75 sets in the town broadcasting at up to ~110 watts each should reach an 8000 watt range. A town amplifier can increase that power geometrically. The 8000 watts from the town radios would be broadcast via antenna and prototype membrane antenna.
It is expected that television signals will be brought to the town via the LAN or SDR rather than cable or satellite.
Civics will be organized by town assembly. The town will need to provide its own educational services, elementary healthcare, fire and militia services, spiritual organization, and it is wholly expected that numerous townwide festivals will be held.
Education for the town's youth can be provided on a curiosity-based group homeschooling system. In combination with the town's sufficiency and LAN, students of all ages can fulfill their curiosity in an environment that mentally stimulates them. The town library may also be an excellent schoolhouse. People approaching the library should expect to learn and engage issues intellectually.
Dwellings made of cement and earth are fire resistant but not fire proof. Townwide alarm systems should be installed in combination with normal communications systems to indicate emergencies for fire, militia, and medical attention.
Anyplace can be a 'church' if the people there are focusing on spirituality. A churchbuilding could be more of an altar area or festival focus center. Spirituality is the duty of the township and individual to revere and love as it is a personal psychic relationship with God and those who worship God.
It may be possible for the town to be charismatic by holding numerous rock and culture festivals put on by the people of the town. All who desired would assemble to rock out and produce and trade and share and make art and love. Dude, it'd rock. Everyone from town is clearly invited and other folk should provide tickets and bring their art and love too. This may be one of the best ways to spread our town's knowledge, ways, love of God, and to increase our membership and plant seeds like ourselves and improve other communities.
1. Dwelling
2. Transit
3. Trade
4. Production/Agriculture
5. Power
6. Communications
7. Civics
-Organization of Society: FD "PD" healthcare
There are many ways to construct each of these, and dozens of good and very conscious options.
Dwellings can be of many architectures. Traditional dwelling space is above ground and poorly insulated, using a large amount of energy for heat. While using less energy is a goal, living in a spartan manner is not a goal. Underground or earth-insulated houses are low-labor high-efficiency dwellings made of cheap and easily available material. The majority of buildings could benefit the town by being built in this architecture.
Each building could aid the town by being rooved with a garden. This will help the town provide its own food, contributing to production, and will further insulate the homes. More information about gardenspace at production below.
Transit would likely be on a personal basis in a small township. Traditional automobiles add to the town's external requirements through fuel. Automobiles running on clean and sustainable fuel sources will be critical to an efficient township free from multinational corporate interference and large oil networks. Our technologies should allow us to perform without relying on oil shipments. Larger communities would function using
Trade is human activity. Regulation of capitalism within the town shall be important to its function. This should not be tribalism, but true just communism similar to the early Christian church. Close and open personal social relationships are the fabric of society and should be compassionate community-based counseling. Being able to account for common perception on both sides of a social equation allows those involved to examine what is geometrically deeper.
The town will group bargain for goods. It may be possible for group and private ownership to overlap without either being sacrificed, with both being interchangeable. This would be the place of 'state run industry' existing to compete alongside any private enterprise. Ideally, our technology should eliminate materialism and provide us with all the power we could ever need. With this power we should be able to produce automated machines and time to turn raw materials into goods without added cost, making us a production superpower per capita.
Production would be the town's way of supporting itself and producing more things than it needs. The town will be a powerplant grid and sell energy to surrounding communities and may also use plasma combustion to handle other towns' trash and certain wastes. Additional production of specific goods using this energy should be on a town-wide and small group basis.
Furnaces and ovens should be easy to make and fuel using energy and plasma. These can be used to smelt, refine, and shape metals and glass and bake goods. This is an entry-level technology that will allow the town to machine or handmake anything it needs.
The town will grow foods and plants in greenspaces, greenhouses, grow houses, and fields. Hemp can be useful for oils, fibers and foods, and producing basic organic foods and animal products will help provide for the town and serve surrounding communities with clean healthy foods.
Water will be collected and cleansed on a public basis and through individual dwellings. Monitored rainwater and groundwater collection will help water crops and quench thirst, and may be used in home heating.
Power is listed at Power decentralization and low density living with greenspace will be part of the town design.
Communications can be conducted on a townwide free voicewire network, as well as programming a townwide LAN network, attachable to global networks. For global direct communications a software defined radio web should be built to transmit on local public signal. This can be picked up locally in the town and in surrounding areas to be sent through the town LAN to telephony.
It will be critically important for the town to be able to use the software web to mass-boradcast signal in the form of radio and CB. Any user should be able to access the town web to get all local radios to broadcast the message. 150 people, with perhaps 40-75 sets in the town broadcasting at up to ~110 watts each should reach an 8000 watt range. A town amplifier can increase that power geometrically. The 8000 watts from the town radios would be broadcast via antenna and prototype membrane antenna.
It is expected that television signals will be brought to the town via the LAN or SDR rather than cable or satellite.
Civics will be organized by town assembly. The town will need to provide its own educational services, elementary healthcare, fire and militia services, spiritual organization, and it is wholly expected that numerous townwide festivals will be held.
Education for the town's youth can be provided on a curiosity-based group homeschooling system. In combination with the town's sufficiency and LAN, students of all ages can fulfill their curiosity in an environment that mentally stimulates them. The town library may also be an excellent schoolhouse. People approaching the library should expect to learn and engage issues intellectually.
Dwellings made of cement and earth are fire resistant but not fire proof. Townwide alarm systems should be installed in combination with normal communications systems to indicate emergencies for fire, militia, and medical attention.
Anyplace can be a 'church' if the people there are focusing on spirituality. A churchbuilding could be more of an altar area or festival focus center. Spirituality is the duty of the township and individual to revere and love as it is a personal psychic relationship with God and those who worship God.
It may be possible for the town to be charismatic by holding numerous rock and culture festivals put on by the people of the town. All who desired would assemble to rock out and produce and trade and share and make art and love. Dude, it'd rock. Everyone from town is clearly invited and other folk should provide tickets and bring their art and love too. This may be one of the best ways to spread our town's knowledge, ways, love of God, and to increase our membership and plant seeds like ourselves and improve other communities.
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